John 2:1

The former part of this chapter acquaints us with the first miracle which our Saviour wrought, in turning water into wine; the occasion of it was, his being invited to. marriage-feast. Here note, 1. That whenever our Saviour was invited to. public entertainment, he never refused the invitation, but... [ Continue Reading ]

John 2:3

This want of wine was probably so disposed by the providence of God, to give our Saviour an opportunity to manifest his divine power in working. miracle to supply it. Observe here, 1. How the Virgin enquires into the family's wants, and then makes them known to Christ. Learn hence, That it is an a... [ Continue Reading ]

John 2:6

In this miracle of our Saviour's turning water into wine, Observe, 1. The reality of the miracle, and the sincerity of Christ in the working of it. The evidencce there was no deceit in the miracle, not wine-casks, but water-pots, are called for; wine-vessels, in which some lees were remaining might... [ Continue Reading ]

John 2:12

Observe here, 1. How obedient in all things Christ was to the ceremonial law. he was not naturally subject to the law, but, to fulfil all righteousness, he kept the passover yearly, according to the command of God, That ALL THE MALES SHOULD APPEAR BEFORE HIM Exodus 23:17 in the temple at Jerusalem.... [ Continue Reading ]

John 2:17

The disciples upon this occasion called to remembrance the words of David, THE ZEAL OF THINE HOUSE HATH EATEN ME UP: Psalms 69:9 which was verified in Christ as well as in David. Where observe, 1. The grace described, ZEAL, which is the ardour of the affections, carrying forth. man to the utmost fo... [ Continue Reading ]

John 2:18

Observe here, 1. How exceedingly offended the Jews were at the reformation which our Saviour had made in the house of God; they were awed indeed with the majesty of this great work, and durst not openly oppose, but secretly malign it. Thence note, That redress of abuses in God's worship, especially... [ Continue Reading ]

John 2:23

Observe here, What influence the sight of our Saviour's miracles had upon many of the common people, THEY BELIEVED IN HIS NAME, WHEN THEY SAW THE MIRACLES WHICH HE DID; that is, they were convinced by the works which our Saviour wrought that he came from God, and what he said and did was really true... [ Continue Reading ]

John 2:25

St. John's design in writing of this gospel being to assert the divinity of Christ, he scatters evidences of it in almost every chapter. Here he declares his omniscience, HE KNEW WHAT WAS IN MAN; that is, being God blessed for ever, he had an exact knowledge of the hearts of men, not by any revelati... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament