Observe here, 1. The great zeal and forwardness of Peter: hearing that it was Christ, he leaps into the sea to get to him.. how inviting, attractive, and alluring, is. sight of Christ! It will make those that know him break through all difficulties to come unto him. It is not. sea of water, no, nor seas of blood, that can keep. zealous soul at. distance from Christ: When Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his coat, and cast himself into the sea.

Observe, 2. What. complication of miracles were here: as soon as they came to land they discerned another miracle, viz.. fire of coals, and fish laid on, and bread, all created and produced by Christ out of nothing, at this time, as an evidence of his divine power; for before they could get the fish to shore, they saw fish broiling upon coals, which makes it evident that these were none of the fish which they had catched.

Christ, when he pleases for the benefit and comfort of his people, will work miracle upon miracle, mercy upon mercy, one wonder upon the head of another; for here, after. miracle at sea, they met with another miracle at land: As soon as they came to land they saw. fire.

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Old Testament