In these words our Saviour acquaints us with the different nature of sin and holiness. It is the nature of sin, and the property of sinners, to hate the light, because it discovers the evil and sinfulness of their ways unto them, and condemns them for them; as the Ethiopians are said to curse the sun for its bright and hot shining: whereas holy and gracious persons, that walk uprightly, do love the light; that is, they delight to have their thoughts, words, and actions, tried by the light of the word, because they are wrought in God; that is, performed as in the sight of God, according to the direction of the word of God, and with. single eye and sincere aim at the glory of God.

Learn hence, 1. That the word of God, or the gospel of Jesus Christ, has all the properties of. great and true light. It is of. pure and purifying nature, it is of. manifestive and discovering nature. It has. piercing power, and penetrating virtue; it enters the darkest recesses of the soul, and detects the errors of men's judgments, as well as discovers the enormities of their lives.

Learn, 2. That nothing is so hateful to, and hated by,. wicked man, as the discovering and reproving light of the word of God; for at the same time that it discovers the sin, it condemns the sinner.

Learn, 3. That. truly gracious person, who acteth agreeably to the will of God, is not afraid to examine his actions by the word of God; but desires and delights that what he doth may be made manifest both to God and man. He that doeth truth, cometh to the light, and rejoiceth, that his deeds may be made manifest, because they are wrought in God.

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Old Testament