Learn, 1. That though all power be given to Christ, to dispense grace here, and glory hereafter, yet none must expect to enjoy it, but upon condition of believing in him, and of obeying him, for the original word signifies both. No faith is acceptable to Christ, nor available to our salvation, but that which is the parent and principle of obedience.

Learn, 2. That the final unbelief renders. man infallibly an object of the eternal wrath of God; he that believeth not the Son, the wrath of God abideth on him. The unbeliever now lies under the sentence of God's wrath, hereafter he shall lie under the full and final execution of it.

Lord! how sad is it to be here in. state of condemnation! but how in tolerable will it be in hell, to continue eternally under the power of condemnation! To lie for ever in that mysterious fire of hell, whose strange property is always to torture, but never to kill; or always to kill, but never to consume: for after millions of years are expired, still it is. wrath to come; and though the unbeliever has felt and endured never so much, yet still the wrath of God abideth on him. Every word carries dread and terror with it.

The wrath, not the anger; and the wrath of God, not of man, at whose rebukes the devils tremble. And this wrath of God not only flashes out the lightening, but abides, dwells, and sticks fast upon him; that is, on his person, the whole man, soul and body.

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Old Testament