The former part of this chapter accquaints us with our Saviour's
removal from Judea into Galilee. The occasion of it was this: Christ
hearing that John was cast into prison, and understanding how the
Pharisees were enraged at the increasing of the number of disciples;
to decline their fury, and prev... [ Continue Reading ]
Here observe, 1. How wonderfully the wisdom of God overrules the
malice of men for his own glory, and the good of others. The malice of
the Pharisees in Judea drives Christ into Galilee, and in his passage
through Samaria, the first fruits of the Gentiles are called, and
particularly the woman of Sa... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. How all our motions and actions are under the
direction and Government of God, and how divine providence doth
sometimes dispose of small matters to become occassions of great good.
This poor woman's coming to the well to draw water, became the means
of her conversion.
Observe, 2. C... [ Continue Reading ]
The Samaritan woman had refused Christ. draught of water in the former
verse, he offers her the water of life in this verse. O! how kindly
doth Christ deal with those that dealt unkindly with him! IF THOU
Here observe, 1. The mercy which Christ had for, and was so desir... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. How ignorant persons are of spiritual things, till
enlightened by the Holy Spirit of God. This poor woman's question,
WHENCE HAST THOU THAT LIVING WATER? looks much like that of Nicodemus,
HOW CAN THESE THINGS BE? John 3:9. natural person cannot perceive the
mind of Christ when spea... [ Continue Reading ]
These words set forth unto us, 1.What manner of person this woman was,
whose conversion Christ sought so industriously after.
2. The means he used in order to that end.
Observe, 1. What manner of person this woman was; besides that she was
an idolater, as being. Samaritan, she was also an adultres... [ Continue Reading ]
In these verses, the Evangelist declares. three-fold effect and fruit
of the grace of conversion that appeared in this woman.
1. She neither denied, nor excused, nor extenuated this sin, which
Christ had charged her with, but tacitly owns, and implicitly
confesses it.
2. She doth not only own and... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we have our Saviour's answer to the foregoing question, which
consists of two parts.
1. Concerning the place of worship.
2. Concerning the worship itself.
As to the place of worship, our Saviour tells her, That though the
Jews had heretofore by warrant of God's word regularly worshipped at
J... [ Continue Reading ]
GOD IS. SPIRIT; that is, he hath no body, nor bodily parts; he is not.
bare spiritual substance: but. pure and perfect Spirit: and therefore
his worshippers MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH; where spirit
is opposed to the legal ceremonies, and truth to the Jewish rites, not
to hypocritical se... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. What. general expectation there was in the minds of
all persons (at the time of our Saviour's appearing) of one whom the
Jews call the Messiah. I KNOW THAT MESSIAH COMETH. This woman, though.
Samaritan, yet knew that the Messiah should come, and that he was now
Observe, 2... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. How the providence of God so ordered and disposed of
things, that the disciples did not return to Christ, till he had
finished his discourse with this poor woman. An humbled sinner may
meet with such satisfaction and sweet refreshment in Christ's company,
that the presence even of d... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, The fit and seasonable motion which our Saviour's
disciples make to him; MASTER, EAT.
Learn from thence, That though. person's chief care should be for his
own soul, and for improving all opportunities for doing good to the
souls of others; yet the bodies of men must not be neglected,... [ Continue Reading ]
Our blessed Saviour having, in the former verses, given. most plain
and evident demonstration of his fervent desire to bring souls home to
God, doth in these verses labour to stir up and kindle the like
affections in his disciples; and this he doth by three very effectual
The first argum... [ Continue Reading ]
Here an account is given of the conversion of more of the Samaritans
from the city of Sichar. Some believed on him, upon the full report
which the woman had made, That, HE HAD TOLD HER ALL THAT EVER SHE DID;
but others were brought to believe by HIS OWN WORD.
Now from the woman's being an instrumen... [ Continue Reading ]
Our blessed Saviour having spent two days with the Samaritans, as an
introduction to the calling of the Gentiles, he goes forward towards
Galilee, the place which he was pleased to make choice of for exercise
of the greatest part of his ministry. Coming into Galilee, he passeth
by the city of Nazare... [ Continue Reading ]
In this last paragraph of the chapter, we find our blessed Saviour
performing. second miracle in Cana of Galilee, curing. nobleman's son
that was sick of. fever. This nobleman apprehended Christ to be.
prophet, and believed that if he were bodily present with his son, he
might possibly cure him: but... [ Continue Reading ]