The second testimony to prove Christ to be the Messias, was that of John the Baptist. We read, John 1:19 how the Jews were sent to enquire of him, whether he were the Christ, or not; and he denied it, and pointed at Jesus, saying, Behold the Lamb of God; yet would not the Jews abide by this testimony of John concerning the Messias. Nevertheless, says Christ, I receive not testimony from John; that is, "John by his testimony added nothing to me;. was what. was, and I am what. am, before John testified of me, and since."

Learn hence, That the divinity of Christ's person, and the verity of his doctrine, needs no man's testimony for the confirmation of it, being sufficiently confirmed by Christ's own authority, and his Father's testimony; I receive nothing from man; that is, "I need it not,. desire it not upon my own account, but upon yours only, that upon the credit of John's testimony ye might believe in me, and be saved by me; These things. say, that ye might be saved.

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Old Testament