Think not that. will accuse you; that is, that I only will accuse you to the Father; there is one that accuseth you, even Moses; that is, the writings of Moses, which you pretend to depend upon, and to trust to; for had you believed his writings, that is, the prophecies and types contained in his writings, you would have been led by them to believe in me; for they all pointed at me, and recieved their accomplishment in me; but if Moses cannot be heard by you,. must expect no authority with you.

Learn, 1. That the whole scope of Moses's ceremonial law, was to point out and prefigure Jesus Christ; Christ was the sum of the law, as well as the substance of the gospel; he was Abraham's promised seed, Moses's great Prophet, Jacob's Shilo, Esay's Emanuel, Daniel's Holy One, Zachary's Branch, and Malachi's Angel.

2. That such as believed the ancient prophesies before Christ came, did see their accomplishment in him, when he was come.

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Old Testament