Observe here, How busy and industrious our holy Lord was about his
Father's work, both on the sea and on the land, both by night and by
HIS WORK; some have enquired into the reason why Christ travelled by
sea, as well as by land; a... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, What an exact knowledge Christ had, not only of all his
followers, but of the motives and principles which did induce them to
follow him; it was not the excellency of his person, nor the
heavenliness of his doctrine, that drew the mutitude at this time
after him, but the novelty of his... [ Continue Reading ]
This miracle of our Saviour's feeding five thousand persons with five
barley loaves and two small fishes, is recorded by all the four
Evangelists, and several particulars therein are very remarkable.
Observe, 1. What. poor and slender provision the Lord of the whole
earth hath for his family, for h... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we have observable, The wonderful effect of the foregoing
miracle; the people seeing so many thousands fed with five loaves,
were so transported, that they concluded that Jesus was certainly the
promised Messias. Now the notion they had of the Messias was this,
that he should be. temporal princ... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The great danger the disciples were in, and the
difficulties they encounter with, after they had enjoyed the sweet
privileges of Christ's gracious presence with them. They were tossed
upon. tempestuous sea.
Learn thence, That it is not unusual, after sweet refreshment and
manifesta... [ Continue Reading ]
Our blessed Saviour having wrought the foregoing miracle, feeding five
thousand with five loaves, the people followed him in troops from
place to place. Christ, who knew their hearts, tells them plainly,
what was their end: they followed him indeed, but not for any
spiritual excellencies they saw in... [ Continue Reading ]
Here the Jews, who were strict observers of the ceremonial law of
Moses, and rested thereupon for salvation, inquire of our Saviour what
they should do that they might please God? Christ directs them to the
great duty of believing on himself to own and acknowledge him to be
the true Messiah, and as... [ Continue Reading ]
Here the Jews tell our Saviour, that, before they will believe in him,
they must see some sign from him, to confirm his doctrine, and prove
him to be the Messias; they acknowledge Christ had wrought. great
miracle in feeding five thousand persons with five barley loaves; but
Moses fed their fathers... [ Continue Reading ]
Upon the Jews mentioning manna to our blessed Saviour, he takes
occasion to make. comparison betwixt himself, the bread of life, and
manna, the bread of Moses, and that in three particulars.
1. It was not Moses that gave the Israelites that manna, it was God at
the prayer of Moses; but it was God t... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. How the carnal Jews hearing of the bread which Christ
had commended so highly, and conceiving of it carnally, desire they
may partake of it constantly; LORD, EVERMORE GIVE US THIS BREAD. The
commendation of spiritual things may move the affections, and quicken
the desires, of natura... [ Continue Reading ]
Our blessed Saviour having lamented the obstinate infidelity of the
Jews in the foregoing verse, who, though they had seen him, would not
believe on him; he doth in this verse comfort himself with the assured
expectation, that there would be. number, which should certainly and
infallibly come unto h... [ Continue Reading ]
In these words our Saviour gives us the confirmation of the foregoing
promise, that he will in no wise cast out those that come unto him, by
assuring us, that it was the great end for which he came into the
world. His Father sent him to do his will, and not his own: that is,
not to do his own will w... [ Continue Reading ]
Although Christ had in the foregoing verses plainly asserted himself
to be the true bread that came down from heaven, for the benefit of
the world; yet the Jews understanding his words carnally, are offended
with him, for pretending to come down from heaven, when they knew him
to be the son of Josep... [ Continue Reading ]
In which words we have something necessarily implied, and something
positively expressed. The misery of man in his natural and
unsanctified state is here implied; he is far distant from Christ, and
unable of himself to come unto him. By nature we are strangers, yea,
enemies, unto God; enemies to the... [ Continue Reading ]
In these words our blessed Saviour confirms his former assertion,
concerning his Father's drawing, from the prophecies of the Old
Testament, which, speaking of the days of the Messias, foretold, that
persons should be taught of God to embrace the Messias; whence Christ
inferreth, that every one who... [ Continue Reading ]
In these verses our blessed Saviour resumes his former doctrine,
namely, that he is the object of saving faith, and the bread of life,
which he compares with the manna, the bread of Israel. YOUR FATHERS
DID EAT MANNA IN THE WILDERNESS, which manna was an illustrious type
of Christ. Thus both came do... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, How the Jews, understanding Christ after. carnal manner,
were offended at what he had said: for they thought it was inhuman to
eat man's flesh, and could not understand how the body of Christ could
in such. sense be food to all the world.
Hence note, That carnal persons put. carnal se... [ Continue Reading ]
The foregoing doctrine of our Saviour concerning eating his flesh and
drinking his blood, sounded so very harshly, that not only the common
multitude, but some of them that had been his disciples, that is, who
had given up their names to follow him, could not tell how to hear it.
Our Saviour reprove... [ Continue Reading ]
To convince the Jews that our Saviour did not mean. carnal and fleshly
eating of his body, he tells them, That such an eating would profit
nothing; but it is. spiritual eating of him by faith, that bringeth
that quickening life of which he had spoken. IT IS THE SPIRIT, or
divine nature, THAT QUICKEN... [ Continue Reading ]
Our blessed Saviour having thus cleared his doctrine, that he was the
bread of life which came down from heaven, and that he is not to be
carnally, but spiritually, fed upon: he plainly tells the Jews, That
the true cause of their stumbling at his doctrine, was their ignorance
and unbelief; THERE AR... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Saviour finding many of his nominal disciples forsaking him, and
departing from him, asks his apostles (the twelve) whether they would
also go away? Intimating, that their departure would go nearer to him,
than the departure of all the rest. The nearer they are from whom we
receive unkindness, t... [ Continue Reading ]