The foregoing chapter gave us an account of. most excellent sermon,
which our Saviour preached in the temple, at the feast of tabernacles.
Now the feast being ended, Jesus did not tarry in the city all night,
but went out of it two miles, as he frequently used to do, to the
mount of Olives. Although... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Saviour early in the morning entering upon the work of preaching;
Observe, 1. What. mixed auditory he had, of scribes, and Pharisees,
and common people. All sorts of persons came to hear him, but not all
with the same intentions. The common people came to learn, but the
scribes and Pharisees ca... [ Continue Reading ]
Our blessed Saviour having baffled the design which the Pharisees had
upon him, and showed. spirit of divine wisdom, in delivering himself
from that snare which they had laid for him, he returns to instruct
the people in the treasury.
And here note, 1. He instructs them in the nature of his office,... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here,. dreadful threatening denounced by Christ against the
obstinate and unbelieving Jews. YE SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS; that is, in
the guilt of your sins, under the power, and undergoing the punishment
of your sins:
Lord! what. sad word is this, YE SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS.. better is
it. tho... [ Continue Reading ]
The Jews hearing our Saviour denouncing such. terrible threatening
against them, because they believed not on him in the foregoing
verses; here they perversely ask him, Who he was? Our Saviour replies,
That he was the same that he was from the beginning, even the very
Christ; and that they were the... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, he that sent and commissioned me for the great work of
redemption, he is continually with me, both to assist and to accept
me,. doing every thing that is agreeable to his holy will and
Hence learn, 1. That the work of redemption in the hands of Jesus
Christ, was. work well-pleasi... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The blessed fruit and success of our Saviour's
foregiong discourse concerning his person anad office. AS HE SPAKE
THESE WORDS, MANY BELIEVED ON HIM: not at their own natural power and
ability, but by Christ's omnipotent and efficacious grace: he that
spake to the ear, caused his wor... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, How these carnal Jews understand all that our Saviour
said, to be spoken in and after. carnal manner; when he spoke to them
before, OF EATING HIS FLESH AND DRINKING HIS BLOOD, they understood it
grossly of his natural body.
When he speaks to them here of. spiritual freedom from sin, t... [ Continue Reading ]
The Jews boasting again that they were Abraham's seed, and bearing
themselves much upon it: our Saviour tells them, He knew they were so,
his natural children according to the flesh: but not his genuine
children according to the Spirit: this he proves, because they did not
tread in Abraham's steps,... [ Continue Reading ]
In the former verses the Jews made their boast that they were the
children of Abraham: in these that they are the children of God. WE
HAVE ONE FATHER, EVEN GOD. This our Saviour disproves, telling them,
that if God were their Father, they would love him, as proceeding from
him by eternal generation;... [ Continue Reading ]
Here observe, 1. The free reproof which Christ gave the Jews for their
Observe, 2. The challenge which he gives the worst of his adversaries:
WHICH OF YOU CONVINCETH ME OF SIN? So perfectly pure, innocent, and
spotless, was the doc... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The blessed fruit and effect of observing our
that is, shall be secured from eternal misery, and enjoy eternal life.
Observe, 2. How the Jews misunderstood our Saviour's words. HE THAT
KEEPS MY SAYING SHALL NEVER S... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, "Abraham having received. promise, that the Messias should
come of his seed, he exceedingly rejoiced to see the day of my coming
in the flesh, though afar off, with the eye of his faith, and in.
figure, in his sacrificed son Isaac: and this sight of his faith was
so transporting, that he le... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. What. false and ridiculous construction the Jews make
of our Saviour's words, as if he had affirmed that he had seen
Abraham, and Abraham him, with bodily eyes: whereas Christ only
asserted, that Abraham had seen his day: that is, he foresaw by faith
the day of his incarnation, and... [ Continue Reading ]