Here the angel declares to Zacharias, what kind of son should be born unto him, even one of eminent endowments, and designed for extraordinary services. The proof of children makes them either the blessings or crosses of their parents. What greater comfort could Zacharias desire in. child, than is here promised to him?

1. He hears of. son that should bring joy to himself, and many others; even to all that did expect the coming of the Messias, whose forerunner the Baptist was.

2. That he should be great in the sight of the Lord; that is,. person of great eminency, and great usefulness, in the church.

A person of great riches and reputatuion is great in the sight of men; but the man of great ability and usefulness, the man of great integrity and serviceableness, he is truly great in the sight of the Lord. They are little men in the sight of the Lord, that live in the world to little purposes; who do little service to God, and bring little honour and glory to him. But the man that does all the possible service he can for God, and the utmost good he is capable of doing to all mankind; he is. person great in the sight of the Lord; and such was the holy Baptist.

3. It is foretold, that he should neither drink wine nor strong drink, that is, that he should be. very temperate and abstemious person, living after the manner of the Nazarites, though he was not separated by any vow of his own or his parents; but by the special designation and appointment of God only, it was forbidden the priest, under the law, to drink either wine or strong drink, upon pain of death, during the time of their ministration, Leviticus 10:9 and the ministers of Christ under the gospel, are forbidden to be lovers of wine. 1 Timothy 3:3.

4. He shall be filled witt he Holy Ghost from his mother's womb; that is, he shall be furnished abundantly with the extraordinary gifts and sanctifying graces of the Holy Spirit, which shall very early appear to be in him, and upon him.

5. His high and honourable office is declared, that he shall go before the Messias, as his harbinger and fore-runner, with the same spirit of zeal and courage against sin, which was found in the old prophet Elias, whom he did so nearly resemble.

6. The great success of his ministry is foretold, namely, That he should turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; that is, the hearts of the Jews to the Gentiles, say some; that he should bring men say others, even the most disobedient and rebellious Pharisees and Sadducees, Publicans and sinners, unto repentance, unto the minding of justice and righteousness, and all moral duties; and thus he made ready. people for the Lord, by fitting men to receive Christ upon his own terms and conditions; namely, faith and repentance.

From the whole, note, that those whom Almighty God designs for eminent usefulness in his church, he furnishes with endowments suitable to their employemnt; and when he calls to extraordinary service, comes in with more than ordinary assistance. Here was the holy Baptist extraordinarily called, and as extraordinarily furnished, for his office and ministry.

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Old Testament