There were two eminent sects among the Jews in our Saviour's time,
namely, the Herodians and Galileans; the former stood stiffly for
having tribute paid to the Roman emperor, whose subjects the Jews now
were; but the Galileans (so called probably from Judas of Galilee,
mentioned Acts 5:37) opposed t... [ Continue Reading ]
Another instance our Saviour gives of persons that fell by. sudden
death, even eighteen that were slain by the fall of. tower in
Jerusalem. He takes occasion from thence to caution the Jews, that
they did not rigidly censure the sufferers, or conclude that those
have wrought the most sin, who are br... [ Continue Reading ]
Our blessed Saviour, that he might excite the Jews to the practice of
the last mentioned duty of repentance, sets forth his long-suffering
with them, and forbearance towards them, by the parable of the fig
tree, which the Master of the vineyard had long expected fruit there
from, but found none.
Wh... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The vine-dresser's petition and request, LORD, LET IT
ALONE THIS YEAR ALSO. This points out unto us the office and duty of
the ministers of God, who are laborers in his vineyard, to be
intercessors with God, for sparing. barren and unfruitful people.
Lord, spare them. little longer,... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The afflicted person,. woman which had. sore disease
inflicted upon her by the devil for eighteen years, which almost bowed
her together. There is nothing that the devil delights more in, than
the miseries and calamities of mankind. Satan is not satisfied barely
to infect the mind,... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Saviour's design in both these parables, is to keep his disciples
and followers from being offended at the small beginnings of his
kingdom, and to foretell the future great success of the gospel,
notwithstanding the present small appearance of the efficacy of it.
To this purpose he compares the... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The unwearied pains and diligence of our holy Lord in
preaching and publishing the glad tidings of the gospel to lost
great and populous cities only, but in poor and obscure villages also;
not preaching by his exempla... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Saviour having exhorted all his followers, in the foregoing
verses, to make sure of heaven and salvation to themselves, while the
door of hope and salvation is open to them, by this parable of. master
of. family inviting guests to his table, waiting for their coming, and
at last shutting the doo... [ Continue Reading ]
It may seem strange that the Pharisees, who had no kindness for our
Saviour, should come here and acquaint him with. danger that he was in
from Herod: GET THEE HENCE, FOR HEROD WILL KILL THEE. It is probable
they had. design to drive him out of the country, because his
reputation was so great amongs... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Lord concludes this chapter with. compassionate lamentation over
Jerusalem, the place where he was to suffer. His ingemination, or
doubling of the word, O JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM, shows the vehemency of
his affection towards them, and the sincerity of his desires for their
Observe, 1. T... [ Continue Reading ]