Two things are here observable, 1. The necessity of scandalous
offences: IT MUST NEEDS BE THAT OFFENCES COME, if we consider men's
corruptions, Satan's malice, God's permission and just judgment.
Observe, 2. The misery and mischief which comes by these scandals: WOE
The doctrine of forgiving an offending brother, is pressed upon us
with many forcible arguments in the New Testament, which speaks it to
be. duty of indispensable necessity. This place is to understood of
private offences, and personal wrongs and injuries done by one man to
another; which we must fi... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here,
1. The supplicants, THE APOSTLES.
2. The person supplicated, THE LORD.
3. The supplication itself, INCREASE OUR FAITH.
4. The occasion of this supplication, our Saviour urging the duty of
forgiving injuries.
1. That as all graces in general, so the grace of faith in partic... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our Saviour tells his disciples, that if they have the smallest
degree of true faith, lively, operative faith, it will enable them to
perform this difficult duty of forgiving injuries, and all other
duties, with as much facility and ease as. miraculous faith would
enable them to remove mountain... [ Continue Reading ]
The design and scope of this parable is to show, that Almighty God
neither is nor can be. debtor to any of his creatures for the best
service which they were able to perform unto him; and that they are so
far from meriting. reward of justice, that they do not deserve. return
of thanks.
Three argume... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. Though the Samaritans were bitter enemies to the
Jews, and had been guilty of great incivility towards our Saviour, yet
our Saviour in his journey to Jerusalem balks them not, but bestows
the favor of. miracle upon them. Civil courtesy and respect may and
ought to be paid to those t... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The preventing grace and mercy of Christ; their
disease is cured where it can be complained of: GO, SHOW YOURSELVES
UNTO THE PRIESTS, says Christ, and in their going they were cleansed,
they were healed before they could come at the priests, that as the
power that healed them was wh... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. All were healed, but only one was thankful; the cure
is wrought upon the bodies of all, thankfulness if sound but in the
heart of one: the will makes the difference in men, but he makes the
difference in wills, who at first made the will. All these lepers were
cured, all saw themsel... [ Continue Reading ]
In the face of these ten lepers we may, as in. glass, behold the face
and complexion of all mankind. How few are there, oh Lord! Scarce more
than one in ten, who after single mercies return suitable thanks. Men
howl to God upon their beds, but run away from God as soon as they are
raised up by him.... [ Continue Reading ]
The generality of the Jews, and particularly the Pharisees, expected
that the promised Messiah should be. temporal prince, and deliver them
from the Roman yoke, under which they groaned. Accordingly the
Pharisees here demanded of our Saviour, WHEN THE KINGDOM OF GOD, of
which he had so often spoken,... [ Continue Reading ]
In the remaining part of this chapter, our Saviour acquaints his
disciples with what days of tribulation and distress were coming on
the Jewish nation in general, and on Jerusalem in particular. "Days of
sufferings (as if our Saviour had said) are not far off, when you will
wish for my bodily presen... [ Continue Reading ]
In these verses our Saviour declares, that Jerusalem's destruction,
and the world's final desolation at the great day, would be like the
destruction of the old world in the days of Noah, and like the
destruction of Sodom in the days of Lot, and that both in regard of
unexpectedness, and in regard of... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our Saviour advises them, that when they shall see the judgments
of God breaking out upon Jerusalem, that they make all possible speed
to get out of it, as Lot and his family did out of Sodom; and to take
heed of imitating Lot's wife, who looking back became. pillar of salt,
Genesis 19:26
Wher... [ Continue Reading ]
In this hour, when judgment is come upon Jerusalem, Christ declares,
that whosoever shall take any unchristian course to preserve his life,
by denying him and his holy religion, he shall lose eternal life; but
he that for Christ's sake shall lose his natural life, instead of.
mortal, shall enjoy an... [ Continue Reading ]
The disciples hearing our Saviour speak of such tremendous calamities,
enquire, where these judments should fall. He answers them
figuratively, and by. proverbial speech, that WHERE THE CARCASS IS,
Jerusalem, and the obdurate nation of the... [ Continue Reading ]