Two things are here observable: the greatness of his charity, and the justice of his restitution.

As to his charity, observe,

1. The freeness of it, not I lend, but I give.

2. The readiness of it: not I will, but I do give.

3. The justice and honesty of it, my goods, not my spoils; what is my own, and not rent from others by rapine and extortion;

4. The largeness and extensiveness of his charity: Half of my goods, not an inconsiderable pittance.

5. The fitness of his charity, To the poor, not to the rich; not to his rich heirs, but to his poor neighbors. Again, as his charity was large, so his restitution was just; as he gave half to the poor, so he restored four-fold to the wronged. What an evidence was here of. true penitent! Confession and satisfaction are both found with him. Whenever repentance is sincere and saving, there is not only. hatred of former sins, but. vigorous exercise of graces contrary to those sins.

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Old Testament