That which Zaccheus gave to the poor, was nothing to what Christ gave to him; it was but dross he gave to them, it was salvation Christ gave to him. Where is the man that can say, God is in his debt for acts of charity and mercy? Where is he that will not own God the best and quickest Paymaster? This day is salvation come to this house: It is thine in title, and however long it shall be thine in possession: Forasmuch as he also is. son of Abraham; that is, either. natural son of Abraham,. Jew; or. spiritual son,. believer; the heir of Abraham's faith, which was also imputed to him for righteousness. Oh happy Zaccheus! Thou has climbed up from thy sycamore to heaven, and by thy charity and justice has purchased to thyself. kingdom that fades not away.

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Old Testament