The service of the temple being ended, they return home to Nazareth. Religious duties are not to be attended to the prejudice and neglect of our particular callings. God calls us, as well from his house as to his house. They are much mistaken, who think God is pleased with nothing but devotion: he that says, Be fervent in spirit serving the Lord, says also, Be not slothful in business. Peity and industry must keep pace with one another; God is as well pleased with our return to Nazareth, as with our going up to Jerusalem.

Observe farther, though Joseph and Mary returned home, the child Jesus, unknown to them, stays behind. Their back was no sooner turned upon the temple, but his face was towards it; Christ had business in that place which his parents knew not of. They missing him, seek him in the company, concluding him with their kinsfolk and acquaintance.

From whence we may gather, that the parents of Christ knew him to be of. sweet and sociable, of. free and conversative, not of. sullen and morose, disposition. They did not suspect him to be wandering in the fields or deserts, but when they missed him, sought him among their kinsfolk: had he not wanted to converse formerly with them, he had not now been sought amongst them.

Our blessed Saviour when on earth, did not take pleasure in. wild retiredness, in. froward austerity, but in. mild affability, and amiable conversation; and herein also his example is very instructive to us.

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Old Testament