Observe here, that Christ blames not his parents for their solicitous care of him, but shows them how able he was to live without any dependency upon them and their care; and also to let them understand, that higher respects had called him away; that as he had meat to eat, so he had work to do, which they knew not of. For, say he, Wist ye not that. must be about my Father's business? As if he had said, "Although. owe respect to you as my natural parents, yet my duty to my heavenly Father must be preferred.. am about his work, promoting his glory, and propagating his truth."

We have also. Father in heaven.. how good it is to steal away from our earthly distractions that we may employ ourselves immediately in his service! That when the world makes enquiry after us, we may say, as our Saviour did before us, Wist ye not that. must be about my Father's business?

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Old Testament