Luke 3:1

The two foregoing Chapter s give us an account of the birth of our Saviour Christ, and of John the Baptist. The evangelist now leaving the history of our blessed Saviour for eighteen years, namely till he was thirty years old, (the Holy Ghost having thought fit to conceal that part of our Saviour's... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:3

Observe here, 1. The place where the Baptist exercised his ministry; in the wilderness of Judea, where were some cities and villages, though thinly inhabited. Note here, the great humility of the Baptisit in preaching in an obscure place, and to. small handful of people. Jerusalem, some might think... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:7

Matthew 3:7-8 says, that the Baptist spake these words to the Pharisees and Sadducees, whom he gives, first,. quick and cutting compellation, O GENERATION OF VIPERS: then. sharp and severe reprehension, WHO HATH WARNED YOU TO FLEE FROM THE WRATH TO COME? And, last of all,. seasonable exhortation, BR... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:9

St. John having preached the doctrine of repentance in the foregoing verses, he backs it with. powerful argument in this verse, drawn from the certainty and severity of that judgment which should come upon them, if they continued their sins: NOW IS THE AXE LAID TO THE ROOT OF THE TREE. Learn, 1. Th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:10

The Baptist having pressed his hearers to bring forth fruits meet for repentance, here they enquire of him what fruits they should bring forth? He tells first the fruits of charity and mercy: HE THAT HATH TWO COATS, LET HIM GIVE TO HIM THAT HATH NONE. This is not to be understood strictly, as if the... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:12

The publicans were persons employed by the Romans to gather the tax of tribute among the Jews, who were now tributaries to the Romans, and paid them. public revenue. These publicans were great oppressors, exacting more than was the emperor's due. Therefore we find the publicans and sinners so often... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:14

Observe here, what. general resort there was of all sorts of persons to John's ministry; Pharisees, Sadducees, publicans, soldiers; these last here enquire of him what they should do to gain acceptance with God? He answers, DO NO VIOLENCE, DEFRAUD NO MAN OF HIS OWN by false accusation, but be conten... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:15

Observe here, 1. How the extraordinariness of John the Baptist's person, the earnestness of his preaching, the acceptableness of his doctrine, and the exemplariness of his conversation, drew all persons to an admiration of him; insomuch that they began to think within themselves, whether here were n... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:18

Observe here, 1. In John the Baptist the character of. zealous and faithful minister of the gospel: he is one that deals plainly, and durst tell the greatest persons of their faults. Herod, though. king, is reproved by him for his adultery and incest. The crown and sceptre of Herod could not daunt t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:21

Observe, 1. The great condescension of Christ in seeking and submitting to the baptism of John. Christ, though John's Lord and Master, yet yields to be baptized of his servant and messenger. Observe, 2. The reasons why Christ would be baptized. 1. That by this rite he might enter himself into the... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:22

Observe here, the solemn investing of Christ into his office, as Mediator, is attended with. threefold miracle; namely, the opening of the heavens, the descending of the Holy Ghost, and God the Father's voice concerning the son. THE HEAVENS WERE OPENED; to show, that heaven, which was closed and sh... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:23

At thirty years of age, the priests under the law entered upon their public office; accordingly Christ stays the full time prescribed by the law, before he undertakes his public ministry, and he gives the reason for it. THAT HE MIGHT FULFIL ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS. Matthew 3:15 That is, the righteousness... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 3:24

We find the genealogy of our blessed Saviour recorded by two evangelists, St. Matthew and St. Luke. His pedigree is set forth by St. Matthew from his father Joseph, by St. Luke from his mother Mary; the design of both is to prove him lineally descended from Abraham and David, and consequently the tr... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament