I think there is not one text of scripture that declares the bounty of God more fully in rewarding acts of charity and mercy than this before us.. how liberal. paymaster is God! How sure and bountiful are the returns Christ makes to us for the relief given to him in his members!

He promises us here, 1. Not bare measure but good measure.

2. Pressed down, shaken together, and running over; nothing adds more to the measure than the shaking of the bushel, the crowding and pressing of the corn, and heaping till the measure runs over: now. measure will run over as long as you will pour.

Learn hence, that charities done in faith, in obedience to God, and with an eye to the glory of God, will produce. certain and plentiful increase. Liberality is the way to riches; giving is the best and surest way of thriving.. little charity from us, if we have but. little, is looked upon by God as. great deal. But it is the greatest imprudence as well as impiety, to do but. little when we have the ability to do much; for he that sows bountifully shall reap bountifully: good measure, pressed down, and running over.

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Old Testament