The poor hear and receive the gospel. Matthew 11:5

Note, that all along, in our Saviour's time and since, the poor of the world have been more disposed to hear and embrace the gospel than other men; and the reasons of it are these:

1. Because the poor have no worldly interest to engage them to reject Christ and his gospel. The high-priest, the scribes and Pharisees, had. plain worldly interest to engage them to oppose Christ and his doctrine; but the poor were free from these incumbrances and temptations. They had nothing to lose; therefore our Saviour's doctrine went down more easily with them, because it did not contradict their interest, as it did the interest of those who had great possessions.

Those that are poor, and enjoy little of the good things of this life, are willing to entertain the glad tidings of happiness in another life. Such as are in. state of misery here, are glad to understand that it shall be well with them hereafter, and are willing to listen to the good news of. future happiness; wheras the rich, who have had their consolation here, are not much concerned what will become of them afterwards.

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Old Testament