Observe here, 1. The Pharisee's civility and our Saviour's courtesy: the Pharisee invites Christ to eat with him; Christ readily accepts the invitation, never refusing any opportunity for doing good. There is. duty of civil courtesy which we owe to the worst of men: none are so bad but we may soberly eat and drink with them; only let us take care, that if our converse do not make them better, their example may not make us worse.

Observe, 2. What an opportunity our Saviour lays hold upon in the Pharisee's house of doing good to. sinful woman; who coming to Christ bowed down in. sorrowful sight and sense of her sins, finds an hearty welcome to him, and is dismissed with comfort from him. The history runs thus: Behold,. woman in the city which was. sinner, that is,. Gentile, say some;. remarkable, notorious, and infamous sinner, say others; probably,. lewd, unclean woman: she is led in with. note of admiration, Behold. woman that was. sinner!

Learn, that to see. sensual and notorious sinner, out of true remorse of conscience to seek unto. Saviour, is. rare and wonderful sight.

Observe farther, it is not said, "behold,. woman that sinned

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Old Testament