Mark 10:1

The first verse of this chapter acquaints us with the great labour and pains our Saviour took in the exercise of his ministry, traveling from place to place, in an hot country, and on foot, to preach the gospel, when he was here upon earth; Teaching all persons, but especially ministers, by his exam... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:13

Observe here,. solemn action performed: children are brought to Christ to be blessed by him. Where note, 1. The persons brought: CHILDREN, young children, sucking children, as the word imports, THEY BROUGHT THEM IN THEIR ARMS Luke 18:15, not led them by the hands. 2. The Person they are brought un... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:17

Observe here, 1. person addressing himself to Christ with an important question in his mouth. This person was. young man,. rich man, and. ruler;. young man in the prime of his age,. rich man in the fulness of his wealth, and. ruler in the prime of his authority and power. From whence learn, That fo... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:18

As if Christ had said, WHY CALLEST THOU ME GOOD, when thou dost not believe or own me to be God? FOR THERE IS NONE GOOD, that is, essentially and originally good, absolutely and immutably good, but God only; nor any derivatively good but he that receiveth his goodness from God also: there is no mere... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:19

Observe here, That the duties which our Saviour instances in, are the duties of the second table, which hypocrites are most failing in. But nothing is better evidence of our unfeigned love to God than the sincere performance of our duty to our neighbours. Love to man is. fruit and testimony of our l... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:20

This assertion of the young man might be very true, according to the Pharisees' sense and interpretation of the law, which condemned only the gross outward act, not the inward lust and motion of the heart. An outside obedience to the law this young man had performed; this made him think well of hims... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:21

Observe here, 1. Christ's compassion towards this young man. He loved him with. love of pity and compassion, with. love of courtesy and respect. There may be some very amiable and lovely qualities in natural and unregenerate man; and goodness, in what kind or degree soever it is, doth attract and d... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:23

From this discourse of our holy Lord's concerning the danger of riches, and the difficulty that attends rich men in their way to heaven, we may collect and gather, First, That rich men do certainly meet with more difficulties in their way to heaven than other men. It is difficult to withdraw their... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:28

The apostles having heard our Saviour's command to sell all and give to the poor, St. Peter, in the name of the rest, tells Christ, that THEY HAD LEFT ALL TO FOLLOW HIM. Where note, How St. Peter magnifies that little which he had left for Christ, and ushers it in with. note of admiration: LO! WE H... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:32

This is at least the third time that Christ had acquainted his disciples with his approaching sufferings. The first time he told his disciples of his death in general; the second time he declares the means, by treason; now he tells them the manner, by crucifying him: all this he did to prevent their... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:35

Observe here, 1. The ambitious suit and request of the two apostles, James and John, for dignity and superiority; GRANT THAT WE MAY SIT, ONE ON THY RIGHT HAND, AND THE OTHER ON THY LEFT HAND, IN THY GLORY OR IN THY KINGDOM. Where observe, That by Christ's KINGDOM and GLORY, they understood an earth... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:42

To the end that our blessed Saviour might effectually quench those unhappy sparks of ambition which were kindled in his apostles' minds, he tells them, that supremacy and dominion belong to secular princes, not to gospel-ministers, who ought to carry themselves with humility and condescension one to... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 10:46

This chapter concludes with the recital of. famous miracle wrought by our blessed Saviour upon blind Bartimeus, in the sight of. great multitude which followed him. Where note, 1. The blind man's faith, in acknowledging Jesus to be the Messiah; for so much the title of the SON OF DAVID signified.... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament