Observe here, 1. person addressing himself to Christ with an important question in his mouth. This person was. young man,. rich man, and. ruler;. young man in the prime of his age,. rich man in the fulness of his wealth, and. ruler in the prime of his authority and power.

From whence learn, That for young men, rich men, especially noblemen, to enquire the way to salvation, is very commendable, but very rare.

Observe, 2. As the person addressing, so the manner of the address: he came running and kneeled to Christ.

Where observe, his voluntariness: he came of himself, not drawn by others; importunity, but drawn by his own personal affections. And his readiness: he came running. This showed his zeal and forwardness to meet with Christ, and be resolved by him.

And lastly, his humility: he kneeled to him, as an eminent prophet and teacher, not knowing him to be the Son of God.

Observe, 3. The address itself, What shall. do to inherit eternal life?

Where note, 1. He believes the certainty of the future state.

2. He professes his desire of an eternal happiness in that state.

3. He declares his readiness to do some good thing, in order to the obtaining of that happiness.

Hence learn, That the light of nature, or natural religion, teaches men that good works are necessary to salvation: or that some good thing must be done by them, who at death expect eternal life. It is not talking well, and professing well, but doing well, that entitles us to heaven and eternal life.

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Old Testament