Mark 15:1

The foregoing chapter gave us an account of Judas's treason, in delivering our Saviour into the hands of the chief priests. In this chapter we find our Lord brought by the chief priests unto Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, in order to his condemnation. Whence observe, That it has been the old p... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:2

It is very observable, how readily our Saviour answers before Pilate; Pilate said, ART THOU THE KING OF THE JEWS? Jesus answered, THOU SAYEST IT; or, it is as thou sayest. But to all the accusations of the chief priests, and to all that they falsely laid to his charge before Pilate, our Saviour answ... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:6

Now AT THAT FEAST, that is, at the feast of the passover, which by way of eminency is called THE FEAST, the governor used to release. prisoner; possibly by way of memorial of their deliverance out of Egypt; accordingly Pilate makes. motion that Christ may be the prisoner set at liberty in honour of... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:16

The next part of our Saviour's sufferings, consisted of cruel mockings; he had owned himself to be the King of the Jews; that is,. spiritual King in and over his church; but the Jews expecting that the Messiah should have appeared in the pomp of an earthly prince, and finding themselves disappointed... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:21

The sentence of death being passed by Pilate, who can, with dry eyes, behold the sad pomp of our Saviour's bloody execution? Forth comes the blessed Jesus out of Pilate's gate, bearing that cross which soon after was to bear him; with his cross on his shoulder, he marches towards Golgotha; and when... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:38

Three circumstances are here observable; 1. stupendous prodigy happening upon the death of our Saviour, THE VEIL OF THE TEMPLE WAS RENT IN TWAIN FROM THE TOP TO THE BOTTOM: The veil was. hanging which parted the most holy place from the holy sanctuary. By the rending of which, God testified that he... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 15:42

The circumstances of our Lord's funeral, and honourable interment in the grave, are here recorded by the evangelist; such. funeral as never was since graves were first digged. Where observe, 1. Our Lord's body must be begged before it could be buried; the dead bodies of malefactors being in the pow... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament