Our Saviour proceeds to direct his disciples how to manage this their first journey in preaching the gospel: he enjoins them, 1. To observe the rules of decency in their going from one place to another; not like beggars wandering from house to house, but having entered. city, or village, to make enquiry who stood best affected to the gospel, and there turn in.

2. Our Savior enjoins them civil and religous courtesy towards those whom they applied themselves unto. When ye come into. house, salute it; give it. civil salutation, but especially. Christian and spiritual salute, wishing them mercy, grace, and peace.

3. He encourages his apostles in the want of success; if they hear you not, shake off the dust of your feet. This action was emblematical, and signified, That Almighty God would in like manner shake off them, and esteem them no better than the vilest dust.

Note, That those who despise the message which the ministers of the gospel bring, shall hereafter find the dust of their feet, and the ashes of their graves, to give. judicial testimony against them in the day of Christ. Wherever the word is preached, 'tis for. testimony against them; for if the dust of. minister's feet bear witness against the despesers of the gospel, their sermons much more.

Here Grotius well notes, that the sin of those who reject the gospel must be. wilful sin, which it was in their power to avoid; because it rendered them obnoxious to greater punishment them Sodom and Gomorrhah were to suffer at the day of judgment; and because committed against greater light, and greater confirmation of the truth: doubtless the higher. people rise under the means of grace, the lower they fall if they miscarry.

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Old Testament