Our Saviour, in this and the following verses, arms his apostles against all the difficulties, dangers, and discouragements, which they might meet with in the course of their ministry: he tells them, he sent them forth as sheep amongst wolves; intimating thereby unto them, that the enemies of the gospel have as great an inclination, from their malicious nature, to devour and destroy the ministers of Christ, as wolves have from their natural temper to devour sheep: he therefore recommends to them prudence and innocence; be ye wise as serpents, to avoid the world's injuries, and harmless as doves, in not revenging them. The ministers of Christ must not be altogether doves, lest they fall into dangers; nor altogether serpents, lest they endanger others. For as piety without policy is too simple to be safe, so policy without piety is too subtle to be good. Our Saviour in this text teacher us that wisdom and innocency should dwell together. Offend none by word or example.

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Old Testament