Observe here, 1. How strange it was the Herod should not hear of the
fame of Jesus till now; all the country and adjoining regions had rung
of his fame, only Herod's court hears nothing. Miserable is that
greatness which keeps princes from the knowledge of Jesus Christ. How
plain is it from hence th... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The person that put the holy baptist to death: It was
Herod, it was Herod the king, it was Herod that invited John to preach
at court, and heard him gladly.
1. It was Herod Antipas, son to that Herod, who sought Christ's life,
chap. 11. cruelty runs in the blood, Herod the murderer... [ Continue Reading ]
Several observables are here to be taken notice of.
1. The time of this execrable murder: it was upon eastern kings to
celebrate their birth-days: Pharaoh's birth-day was kept, Genesis
40:20. Herod's here; both with blood; yet these personal stains do not
make the practice unlawful. When we solemni... [ Continue Reading ]
The disciples of John hearing that their holy master was thus basely
and barbarously murdered, took up his dead body and buried it.
Whence we learn, that the faithful servants of God are not ashamed of
the suffering of the saints, but will testify their respect unto them
both living and dead.
Obse... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, with what condolency and tender sympathy the
compassionate Jesus exercised acts of mercy and compassion towards the
miserable and distressed.
HE WAS MOVED WITH COMPASSION; that is, touched with an inward sense
and feeling of their sorrow;
AND HE HEALED THEIR SICK. Those that came to... [ Continue Reading ]
Note here, 1. The disciples pity towards the multitude that had been
long attending upon Christ's ministry in the desert; they presuming
the people hungry, having fasted all the day, requested our Saviour to
dismiss them, that they may procure some bodily refreshment.
Learn hence, that it well beco... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. Our Saviour's strange answer to the disciples motion:
THEY NEED NOT DEPART, says Christ. NEED NOT! Why? the people must
either feed or famish. Victuals they must have, and this being. desert
place, there was none to be had. Surely then there was need enough.
But, 2. Christ's comman... [ Continue Reading ]
Note here, what. poor and slender provision the Lord of the whole
earth has for his household and family; five loaves, and those barley;
two fishes, and they small: teaching us, that these bodies of ours
must be fed, but not pampered. Our belly must not be our master, much
less our God. We read but... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe, 1. How the master of the feast marshals his guests, he
commands them ALL TO SIT DOWN: none of them reply, "sit down, but to
what? Here are the mouths, but where is the meat? We can soon be set,
but whence shall we be served?" Nothing of this; but they obey and
O how easy is it to t... [ Continue Reading ]
They did all eat, not. crumb or. bit, but to satiety and fullness:
THEY DID EAT AND WERE FILLED, yet twelve baskets remained; more was
left than was at first set on. So many bellies, and yet so many
baskets filled. The miracle was doubled by an act of boundless
omnipotency. It is hard to say, which... [ Continue Reading ]
JESUS CONSTRAINED THEM; that is, he commanded them to GO AWAY BEFORE
HIM. No doubt but they were very loth to leave him, and to go without
him; both out of the love which they have to him and themselves.
Such as have once tasted the sweetness of Christ, are hardly drawn
away from him: however, as d... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. Christ dismisses the multitude, and then retires to
pray; teaching us, by his example, when we have to do with God, to
dismiss the multitude of our affairs and employments, of our cares and
thoughts.. how unseemly it is to have our tongues talking to God, and
our thoughts taken up w... [ Continue Reading ]
Note here, the great danger the disciples were in, and the great
difficulties they had to encounter with; they were in THE MIDST OF THE
Christ was absent.
The wisdom of God often suffers his church to be tossed upon the waves
of affli... [ Continue Reading ]
Christ having seen the distress of his disciples on the shore, he
hastens to them on the sea. It was not. stormy and tempestuous sea
that could separate betwixt him and them: he that waded through. sea
of blood, and through. sea of wrath, to save his people, will walk
upon. sea of water to succour a... [ Continue Reading ]
See how the disciples take their deliverer to be. destroyer: their
fears were highest when their deliverer and deliverance were nearest.
God may be coming with salvation and deliverance for his church, when
she for the present cannot discern him.... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe, when the disciples were in the saddest condition, how one
word from Christ revives them; it is. sufficient support in all our
afflictions to hear Christ's voice speaking to us, and to enjoy his
favourable presence with us.
Say but,. Saviour, IT IS I; and then let evils do their worst: that... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The mixture of Peter's faith and distrust: it was
faith that said, MASTER; it was distrust that said, IF IT BE THOU: It
was faith that said, BID ME COME TO THEE: it was faith that enables
him to step down on the watery pavement: it was faith that said, LORD
SAVE ME: but it was distr... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The mercy of Christ is no sooner sought, but found:
and with what assurance, should we flee to that sovereign bounty, from
whence never any suitor was sent away empty.
Observe, 2. Though Christ gave Peter his ha... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe, 1. Our Saviour's unwearied diligence in going about to do
good: he no sooner landeth, but he goeth to Gennesaret, and healeth
their sick.
Observe, 2. The people's charity to their sick neighbours, in sending
abroad to let all the country know that Christ the great physician was
come amongs... [ Continue Reading ]