Notwithstanding our blessed Saviour had so often told his disciples
that his kingdom was not of this world, yet they still dreamt of.
temporal and earthly kingdom, which he, as the Messias, should shew
forth the glory of; in which there should be distinct places of honour
and offices, one above anot... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Saviour intending to cure this pride and ambition in his
disciples, first preaches to them the doctrine of humility, and to
enforce his doctrine he sets before them, A LITTLE CHILD, the proper
emblem of humility; assuring them, that unless they be converted, or
turned from this sin of pride and... [ Continue Reading ]
As if our Lord had said, "That the apostle, or that minister, who
thinks as meanly of himself as. little child, and is humble and lowly
in his own esteem, he deserves the highest place of dignity and honour
in my church."
Note, That the truly humble person, who is freest from affecting
pre-eminency... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Saviour having declared, that the humblest persons should be
always highest in his esteem; he next declares how exceeding dear and
precious such christians are to him, who resemble little children in
humility of heart, and innocency of life: assuring the world, that
whatever kindness and respect... [ Continue Reading ]
Two things are here observable:
1. The necessity of scandalous offences: IT MUST NEEDS BE THAT
2. The misery and mischief that comes by them: WOE UNTO THE WORLD
BECAUSE OF OFFENCES: Woe unto such as give offence; this is VA
INDIGNANTIS, the woe of one denouncing; and woe to such as... [ Continue Reading ]
This command of Christ is not to be understood literally, as if it
were our duty to maim our bodily members; but the exhortation is to
cut off all occasions that may betray us into sin; and to mortify our
darling and beloved lust, though as dear to us as our right eye.
Learn, 1. That sin may be avo... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. cautionary direction given by Christ to the men of
the world concerning his members; TAKE HEED THAT YE DO NOT OFFEND ONE
OF MY LITTLE ONES; that is, that ye do not undervalue and neglect,
much less injure and afflict, them.
2.. reason assigned, BECAUSE THEIR ANGELS BEING CONSTANTLY... [ Continue Reading ]
How our Saviour continues his argument against giving offence to his
children and members; he came into the world to redeem and save them;
therefore none ought to scandalize and offend them. And to illustrate
this, he compares himself to. good shepherd, who regards every one of
his sheep; and if any... [ Continue Reading ]
In these words our Saviour gives us an excellent rule for the duty of
fraternal correction, or brotherly admonition.
Where note, 1. That brotherly reproof and admonition is. duty
incumbent upon church members.
2. That it may be administered successfully, it must must be
administered privately and... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, whomsoever the officers of my church shall justly
excommunicate upon earth, shall, without repentance be shut out of
heaven; and whosoever upon their true repentance, shall be absolved on
earth, shall be absolved in heaven.
Learn, That Christ will ratify in heaven whatsoever the church
ass... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we have. gracious promise made by Christ of his presence with all
his members in general, and with is ministers in special; whenever
they meet TOGETHER IN HIS NAME, that is by his authority, in obedience
to his command, and with an eye to his glory. Whenever they celebrate
any sacred institutio... [ Continue Reading ]
Here St. Peter puts. question to our Saviour, how often Christians
should forgive offences to their brethren professing repentance:
Christ answers that there should be no end of our mutually forgiving
one another, but we are to multiply our pardon as our brother
manifests his repentance. Not that we... [ Continue Reading ]
Our blessed Saviour, to enforce the foregoing doctrine of mutual
forgiveness, propounds. parable; the main scope of which is to shew,
that unless we do actually forgive and pass by injuries done to us, we
cut ourselves off from all interest in God's pardoning mercy, and must
expect no forgiveness at... [ Continue Reading ]