The person thus addressing himself unto Christ, was either. Pharisee or. disciple of the Pharisees, who did not own Christ to be God, or to come from God; but taught, that eternal life was attainable, by fulfilling of the law in that imperfect sense which the Pharisees gave of it.

And accordingly, 1. Christ reproves him for calling him good; Why callest thou me good? When thou wilt neither own me to be God, nor to come from God; For there is none good, that is, essentially and originally good, but God only; nor any derivatively good, but he that receives his goodness from God also.

From this place the Socinians argue against the divinity of Christ; thus, "He to whom the title of good doth not belong, cannot be God most high. But by our Lord's words this title belongs not to him, but only to God the Father; therefore God the Father must be God alone."

Answer, Christ may be supposed to speak to this young man thus, "Thou givest me. title which was never given to the most renowned rabbis, and which agrees to God alone; now thou oughtest to believe that there is something in me more than human, if thou conceivest that this title of good doth belong to me."

Observe, 2. That our Saviour might convince him of the error of the Pharisees, who believed that they might, without the knowledge of him, the true Messias, enter into life by keeping the law of God according to that lax and loose interpretation which they, the Pharisees, had given of it; he bids him, Keep the commandments.

Where, Note, Christ calls him off from outward ceremonies, which the Pharisees abounded in, to the practice of moral duties; yet withal lets him understand, that if he expected salvation by the moral law, he must keep it perfectly and exactly, without the least deficiency, which is an impossibility to man in his lapsed state.

Learn, 1. That such as seek justification and salvation by the works of the law only, must keep the whole law, or covenant of works, perfectly and exactly.

Learn, 2. That the best way to prepare men for Jesus Christ, is to let them see their own impotency to keep and fulfil the covenant of works.

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Old Testament