fraid. But to. close consideration of the several circumstances relating to the resurrection of our holy Lord.

Note, 1. With what pomp and triumph our holy Lord arises; two men, that is, two angels in the shape of men, verse 4, are sent from heaven to roll away the stone.

But could not Christ have risen then without the angels' help?

Yes, doubtless he that raised himself could easily have rolled away the stone himself; but God thinks fit to send an officer from heaven to open the prison door of the grave; and by setting our Surety at liberty, proclaims our debt to the divine justice fully satisfied. Besides, it was fit that the angels who had been witnesses of our Saviour's passion, should also be witnesses of his resurrection.

Note, 2. Our Lord's resurrection declared, He is risen, he is not here. Almighty God never intended that the darling of his soul should be left in an obscure sepulchre. He is not here, said the angels, where you laid him, where you left him; death has lost its prey, and the grave has lost its prisoner.

Note, 3. It is not said, He is not here, for he is raised; but He is risen; verse 6. The original word imports the active power of Christ, or the self-quickening principle by which Christ raised himself from the dead, He showed himself alive after his passion. Acts 1:3

Hence learn, that it was the divine nature or Godhead of Christ, which raised the human nature from death to life; others were raised from the grave by Christ's power, but he raised himself by his own power.

Note, 4. The persons to whom our Lord's resurrection was first declared and made known; to women, to the two Marys. But why to women? And why to these women? To women first, because God sometimes makes choice of weak means for producing great effects; knowing that the weakness of the instrument redounds to the greater honor of the agent.

In the whole dispensation of the gospel, God intermixes divine power with human weakness. Thus the conception of Christ was by the power of the Holy Ghost; but his mother,. poor woman,. carpenter's spouse. So the crucifixion of Christ was in much meanness and outward baseness, being crucified between two thieves; but the powers of heaven and earth trembling, the rocks rending, the graves opening, showed. mixture of divine power. Thus here, God selects women to declare, that he will honor what instruments he pleases, for the accomplishment of his own purposes.

But why to these women, the two Marys, is the first discovery made of our Lord's resurrection? Possibly it was. reward for their magnanimity and masculine courage. These women clave to Christ, when the apostles forsook him: they assisted at his cross, they attended at his funeral, they waited at this sepulchre; these women had more courage than the apostles, therefore God makes them apostles to the apostles. This is. tacit rebuke,. secret check given to the apostles, that they should be thus outdone by women; these holy women went before the apostles in the last services that were done for Christ, and therefore the apostles here come after them in their rewards and comforts.

Note, 5. The quick message which these holy women carry to the disconsolate disciples, of the joyful news of our Saviour's resurrection; they returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things to the eleven, verse 9.

And the other evangelists say, that they were sent and bidden to go to the apostles with the notices of the resurrection, Go tell the disciples, says the angel, Matthew 28:7

Go tell my brethren, says Christ, verse 10.. most endearing expression. Christ might have said, "Go tell my apostate apostles, my cowardly disciples, that left me in my danger, and did not own me in the high-priest's hall, that did not come within the shadow of my cross, not within sight of my sepulchre." But not one word of all this by upbraiding them for their late shameful cowardice, but all words of divine indulgence, and endearing kindness; Go tell my brethren.

Where mark, that Christ calls them brethren after his resurrection and exaltation, thereby showing, that the change of his condition had wrought no change in his affection towards his poor disciples: but those that were his brethren before, in the time of his humiliation and abasement, are still so, after his exaltation and advancement: Go tell my brethren.

One thing more must be noted with reference to our Lord's resurrection, and that is, why he did not first choose to appear to the Virgin Mary, his disconsolate mother, whose soul was pierced with. quick and lively sight and sense of her son's sufferings; but to Mary Magdalene, who had been. grievous sinner? Doubtless this was for the comfort of all true penitents, and administers great consolation to them: as the angels in heaven rejoice, much more does Christ, in the recovery of one repenting sinner, than in multitudes of holy and just persons (such was the blessed Virgin) who need no repentance.

For the same reason did our Saviour particularly name Peter, Go tell my disciples, and Peter; he being for his denial of Christ swallowed up with sorrow, and standing in most need of consolation; therefore speak particularly to Peter: as if Christ had said, "Be sure that his sad heart be comforted with this joyful news, that. am risen; and let him know, that. am friends with him, notwithstanding his late cowardice."

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Old Testament