Matthew 24:1

Our blessed Saviour had often acquainted his disciples with his approaching death at Jerusalem. THE SON OF MAN MUST GO UP TO JERUSALEM TO BE CRUCIFIED. Now in this chapter he acquaints them with the destruction that should come upon Jerusalem in general, and upon the temple in particular, for their... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:3

A double question is here propounded by the disciples to our Saviour. First, As to the time of the temple's destruction. Secondly, as to the signs of that destruction. As to the former, the time when the temple should be destroyed. See the curiosity of human nature, both in desiring to know what... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:6

The next sign which our Saviour gives his disciples of Jerusalem's destruction, is the many broils and commotions, civil discords and dissensions, that should be found amongst the Jews: FAMINES, PESTILENCES, AND EARTHQUAKES, FEARFUL SIGHTS AND SIGNS IN THE AIR. And Josephus declares, that there app... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:9

Our Saviour here goes on in giving farther signs of the destruction of Jerusalem. 1. He declares the sharp persecutions which should fall upon the apostles themselves; THEY SHALL KILL YOU. Thence learn, That the keenest and sharpest edge of persecution is usually turned against the ambassadors of... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:14

Here our blessed Saviour comforts his disciples with. threefold consideration. 1. That his gospel, how hated and persecuted soever, should be plainly and persuasively preached: THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM SHALL BE PREACHED. Therefore called the gospel of the kingdom, because it discovers the way to t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:15

The sense is, " When ye shall see the armies of the Romans, who are an abomination unto you, and an occasion of great desolation where they go; when you shall see that abominable, dissolute army begirting the holy city of Jerusalem, then call to mind the prophecy of Daniel, which primarily belonged... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:16

The meaning is, "As soon as you shall see the Roman army appear before the city of Jerusalem, let every one that values his own safety, fly as far and as fast as he can, even as Lot fled out of Sodom; and let such as fly be glad if by flight they can save their lives, though they lose their goods, t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:19

Here our Saviour declares the doleful distress of those that could not flee from the siege of Jerusalem; as women big with child, and such as give suck, who by that means are like to lose their lives. And he farther adds, that it should increase the calamity, if their flight should happen to be IN... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:21

The doleful miseries and dreadful calamities which were coming upon the Jews in general, and upon Jerusalem in particular, are here foretold by our Saviour, partly from the Roman army without, and partly from the seditions and factions of the zealots within, who committed such outrages and slaughter... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:23

The Jews had all along cherished in themselves. vain expectation, that the promised Messiah should be. temporal deliverer, that should set them at liberty from the power and slavery of the Romans; and accordingly Christ declares to his disciples here, that immediately before Jerusalem's destruction,... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:27

There is. threefold coming of Christ spoken of in the New Testament. 1. His coming in his spiritual kingdom by the preaching of the gospel among the Gentiles. 2. His coming to destroy Jerusalem forty years after his ascension. 3. His final coming to judgment at the great day. All these comings o... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:28

If the coming of Christ be understood in the former verse of his coming to destroy Jerusalem, then by the CARCASS in this verse are to be understood the people of Jerusalem, and the body of the Jewish nation; and by EAGLES are to be understood the Roman armies, who carried an eagle in their standard... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:29

Our Saviour goes on in figurative expressions to set forth the calamities that should befall the Jewish nation, immediately after the destruction of Jerusalem: THE SUN SHALL BE DARKENED: that is, all their glory and excellency shall be eclipsed, all their wealth and prosperity shall be laid waste; t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:30

Then SHALL THE TRIBES MOURN; that is, then shall the Jews be convinced that their destruction was the punishment of their sin, in rejecting and crucifying Christ; and accordingly they that pierced him shall behold him, and mourn over him. Thus it was before the destruction of Jerusalem, and thus wil... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:32

Here our blessed Saviour declares two things with reference to his coming. 1. The certainty of the thing itself. 2. The uncertainty of the time. The certainty of his coming he sets forth by the similitude of the FIG-TREE, whose beginning to bud declares the summer at hand. Thus when they should se... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:37

In these verses our Saviour declares that Jerusalem's destruction, and the world's final dissolution at the great day, would be much like the destruction of the old world; and that in two respects: 1. In regard of unexpectedness. 2. In regard of security and sensuality. How sensual and secure was... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:42

Here we have the application made by our Saviour, of the foregoing doctrine concerning the certainty and suddenness of. future judgment. WATCH THEREFORE, always; not without intermission, but without giving over; that ye may be not only in an habitual but actual readiness for my appearance. Learn h... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:45

These words may be applied two ways. 1. To all the faithful servants of Christ in general. Thence learn, That for. person to spend and end his days in the service of Christ, and doing his will, gives good assurance of. blessed condition. BLESSED IS THAT SERVANT. 2. To the ministers of the gospel... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 24:48

Our Lord in these verses describes an unfaithful and negligent steward, and denounces the dreadful sentence of wrath hanging over him. He is described, 1. By the character of infidelity; he believeth not Christ's coming to judgment, though he preaches it to others: he saith in his heart, MY LORD DE... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament