Our Saviour goes on in figurative expressions to set forth the calamities that should befall the Jewish nation, immediately after the destruction of Jerusalem: The sun shall be darkened: that is, all their glory and excellency shall be eclipsed, all their wealth and prosperity shall be laid waste; the whole government, civil and ecclesiastical, destroyed; and such marks of misery found upon them, as never were seen upon. people.

By the sign of the Son of man, the papists will have understood the sign of the cross. Others understand it of those prodigies which were seen. little before the destruction of Jerusalem, which Josephus mentions; as, namely,. comet in the form of. sword hanging over the city for. year together;. light in the temple and about the altar, seen at midnight for half an hour;. cow, led by the priest to be sacrificed, calved. lamb;. voice heard in the temple, saying Abeamus hinc, "Let us go hence."

Learn hence, God premonishes before he punishes; he warns. people of destruction often, before he destroys them once.

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Old Testament