In these verses our Saviour declares that Jerusalem's destruction, and the world's final dissolution at the great day, would be much like the destruction of the old world; and that in two respects:

1. In regard of unexpectedness. 2. In regard of security and sensuality.

How sensual and secure was the old world before the flood! They were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage. That is, wholly given up to sensuality and debauchery, and did not know of the flood's coming; that is, did not consider it, till the flood swept them away.

Thus was it in the destruction of Jerusalem, and so will it be in the end of the world.

Learn hence, 1. That as the old world perished by infidelity, sins be prevailing before the destruction of this present world. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of man cometh.

2. That the true reason why sinners are drowned in sensuality, and given over to security, is this, because they do not believe the certainty, or consider the proximity and nearness, of an approaching judgment.

The old world knew not of the flood's coming. Strange! when Noah had told them of it an hundred and twenty years together.

The meaning is, they did not consider it and prepare for it. To such as are unprepared for, and unapprehensive of death and judgment, those evils are always sudden, although men be never so often warned of them. But to such as are prepared, death is never sudden, let them die never so suddenly.

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Old Testament