The next sign which our Saviour gives his disciples of Jerusalem's destruction, is the many broils and commotions, civil discords and dissensions, that should be found amongst the Jews: famines, pestilences, and earthquakes, fearful sights and signs in the air.

And Josephus declares, that there appeared in the air chariots and horses, men skirmishing in the clouds, and encompassing the city; and that. blazing star, in fashion of. sword, hung over the city for. year together.

Learn, 1. That war, pestilence, and famine, are judgments and calamities inflicted by God upon. sinful people for their contempt of Christ and gospel-grace. Ye shall hear of wars, famine, and pestilence.

2. That although these be mighty and terrible judgments, yet are they the forerunners of worse judgments. All these are the beginning of sorrows.

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Old Testament