Observe here, 1. The preacher sent by God, JOHN THE BAPTIST,. pattern
of mortification, and. preacher of repentance.
Observe, 2. The place he is sent to preach in, THE WILDERNESS OF
JUDEA; not in populous Jerusalem, but in. barren wilderness, where the
inhabitants are few, and probably very ignoran... [ Continue Reading ]
The Papists, from John the Baptist's living in the wilderness, would
make him the first founder of the order of the hermits, but very
For, 1. What he did was by God's command; what they do is by the
dictates of their own fancy.
2. He busied himself in preaching in the wilderness; the... [ Continue Reading ]
The plainness of John the Baptist's habit and diet is here declared:
He was habited in. plain suit of camel's hair, much as Elijah was
before him; and as his habit was plain, so his diet was ordinary,
feeding upon herbs, and such things as the wilderness affords.
Hence it was that Nazianzen said, H... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, The great encouragement which John had in his ministry,
from the people's attendance upon it: he was now fishing for souls,
and God brought the people very thick about the net of the gospel, and
multitudes were enclosed, no doubt, to his joy and great satisfaction.
For it is matter of... [ Continue Reading ]
This place the papists bring to support their doctrine of auricular
confession; but very groundlessly.
For, 1. The confession of those converts was voluntary, and not
2. It was general, and not of every particular sin.
3. It was public and open, not in the ear of. priest.
4. It was.... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we have the entertainment which John gave to his unexpected
auditors, the Pharisees and Sadducees, which came to hear him, and to
be baptized by him.
He gives them first. quick and cutting compellation, O GENERATION OF
Next. sharp and severe reprehension, WHO HATH WARNED YOU TO FLEE F... [ Continue Reading ]
The baptist had preached the doctrine of repentance in the former
verses, he backs it with. powerful motive in this verse, drawn from
the certainty, the severity, and suddenness of that vengeance which
would come upon them, if they continued impentent: NOW IS THE AX LAID
L... [ Continue Reading ]
In these words John declares the excellency of Christ's person and
ministry above his own.
As to his person, he owns that he was not worthy to carry his shoes
after him, or to perform the lowest offices of service for him.
And as to his office, he declares that Christ should not baptize as he
did,... [ Continue Reading ]
In these words the baptists compare Christ, the promised Messiah, to
an husbandman, the Jewish church to. barnfloor. The office of the
husbandman is to thresh, fan, and winnow his corn, separating it from
the chaff: preserving the one and consuming the other.
Learn hence, 1. That the church is Chri... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we have our Savior's solemn inauguration and public entrance upon
this prophetic office, by baptism, or washing with water, according to
the manner of the priests under the ceremonial law, Exodus 29:4.
Where we have observable, 1. The circumstance of time: THEN COMETH
JESUS: that is, after he... [ Continue Reading ]
Note here, 1. The modesty of John's refusal: JOHN FORBADE HIM, and
refused to admit him. But why? 1. In regard of Christ, because he knew
he needed it not: such was his majesty and greatness, that he was
above it: and such was his purity and holiness, that he could not want
2. In respect of him... [ Continue Reading ]
These words contain our Saviours's reason why he submitted to John's
baptism, because it became him to fulfil all righteousness; that is,
to own every divine institution, particularly the righteousness of the
ceremonial law, which required the washing of the priests in water,
when they entered upon... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we have the solemn inauguration of Christ into his prophetic
office, accompanied with. threefold miracle.
1. The opening of the heavens.
2. The descent of the Holy Ghost upon him, like as. dove descends.
3. God the Father's voice concerning his son.
The heavens were opened to shew that heav... [ Continue Reading ]