Observe, 1. The great humiliation of the Son of God, how exceedingly
was he humbled by the horrid temptations wherewith he was assaulted,
than which nothing could be more grievous to his holy heart. What
could be more burdensome to him that was brought up from eternity with
God the Father, than to b... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, How the divine power upheld the human nature of Christ
without food. What Moses did at the giving of the law, Christ doth at
the beginning of the gospel namely, fast forty days and forty nights.
Christ hereby intended our admiration, not our imitation: or, if our
imitation, of the act... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The occasion of the temptation.
2. The temptation itself.
The occasion was our Savior's hunger and want of bread.
Learn thence, That when God suffers any of his dear children to fall
into want, and to be straitened for outward things, Satan takes.
mighty advantage thereupon, to t... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, The weapon which our Savior made use of to repel the
temptation, and to vanquish the tempter and that is the word of God,
Learn, That the scripture, or the written word of God, is the only
sure weapon wherewith to vanquish Satan, and to beat back all his
fiery temptatio... [ Continue Reading ]
That is, Satan, by God's permission, took up his body and carried it
in the air, and set it upon one of the battlements of the temple.
Learn hence, 1. What. mighty power evil spirits have over our bodies,
if God permits them to excute and exercise their power upon them.
2. That it is owing to the... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we have observable, first, the sin which Satan tempts Christ
unto; and next, the argument which he tempts him from.
The sin tempted to, is the sin of self-murder; CAST THYSELF DOWN.
Whence we learn, That self-murder is. sin which Christ himself was,
and the best of saints may, by Satan, be te... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, Though the devil had wrested and abused scripture, yet
still Christ alleges scripture. The abuse of the holy scriptures by
heretics and seducers is no argument against the use of them. We must
not throw away our Bibles because the devil quotes scripture: but as
Christ here compares scr... [ Continue Reading ]
The next sin, which Satan tempts our Saviour to, is the sin of
idolatry, even to worship the devil himself.. thou impudent and foul
spirit! To desire thy Creator to adore thee, an apostate creature!
Surely there can be no sin so black and foul, so gross and monstrous,
but that the christian may be t... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. With what zeal and indignation of spirit our blessed
Saviour repels and beats back this temptation of Satan: GET THEE
Note thence, That the greater the sins are which the devil tempts us
to, the greater our zeal and indignation ought to be in opposing and
resisting the tempt... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The issue of this combat; Satan is conquered, and
quits the field! THEN THE DEVIL LEAVETH HIM: teaching us, That nothing
like. vigorous resistance of temptation causes the tempter to flee
Observe, 2. Our Lord's triumph over his... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. Our Savior, hearing of John's imprisonment, provides
for his own safety, by departing into Galilee. As our holy Lord
avoided persecution, so may we.
Observe, 2. The place in Galilee he comes to, Capernaum. Christ had
three cities which he called his own; Nazareth, where he was bred... [ Continue Reading ]
Here our Savior begins to enter upon his prophetic office, and by
preaching to make known the will of God to mankind; and observe, the
doctrine which he preached is the same that John the Baptist did
preach, namely, the doctrine of repentance, REPENT YE: and the
argument is the same also, FOR THE KI... [ Continue Reading ]
Our blessed Saviour, as he was the great prophet of his church, had
power and authority to appoint teachers under him; and accordingly
here he begins to call his apostles to that great work; and in his
call we have several particulars very observable: as, 1. The meanness
of the persons whom he calls... [ Continue Reading ]
Our Savior having called Peter, James, Andrew, and John, to be
disciples in order to their being apostles to preach the gospel, in
the foregoing verses; this verse acquaints us how he went himself
along them forth as his curates to labour, and lie at home himself
upon his couch at ease. What shall w... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. That although our Savior's doctrine needed no
confirmation beyond his own authority, yet he was graciously pleased
to exert the power of his godhead in working miracles for the
establishment of our faith.
Observe, 2. That the miracles which Christ wrought were not judicial,
but ben... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, How affecting our Saviour's ministry was at first:
multitudes throng after him; they come from all parts to attend upon
his ministry, when he first began to preach among them. His ministers
find it thus also; at their first coming amongst. people, their
labours are most acceptable, and... [ Continue Reading ]