Observe here, 1. The occasion of the temptation.

2. The temptation itself.

The occasion was our Savior's hunger and want of bread.

Learn thence, That when God suffers any of his dear children to fall into want, and to be straitened for outward things, Satan takes. mighty advantage thereupon, to tempt and assualt them.

But what doth he tempt our Savior to?

To the sin of distrust, to question his sonship; If thou be the Son of God; and next to distrust his Father's providence and care. Command that these stones be made bread. As Satan had said, "How unlikely is it, that thou shouldst be highly favoured, and yet deserted? What! the Son of God; and yet ready to starve! Certainly if thou canst not supply thy necessities, thou art nothing akin to God.'

Learn hence, 1. That Satan's grand design is, first to tempt the children of God to doubt of their adoption; and next, to distrust God's fatherly care over them and provision for them; and last of all, to use unwarrantable means to help themselves.

Thus Satan dealt with Christ, and thus he deals with Christians: for for to work. miracle at Satan's direction was not. lawful means of providing food for himself.

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Old Testament