Observe here, 1. An incomparable rule of life; always to do as we would be done by.

Note, That the great rule of righteousness and equity in all our dealings with men is this, To do us we would be done unto: it is. short rule,. full rule, and. clear rule; both the light of nature and the law of Christ bind it upon us.

Observe, 2. The commendation of this rule. It is the law and the prophets; that is, the sum of the Old Testament, so far as concerns our duty to our neighbour, and the substance of the second table.

Learn, That it is the design on the scriptures of the Old Testament, first to render men dutiful and obedient to God, and then righteous and charitable one to another.

This is the law and the prophets, yea, the whole of the law and the prophets, to love God above ourselves, and to love our neighbours as ourselves.

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Old Testament