Observe the humble posture in which this man came unto Christ, namely, falling at his foot and worshipping him; which was not only. sign of tender affection towards his daughter, but an evidence of his faith in our blessed Saviour; yet his confining Christ's power to his bodily presence and to the touch of his hand, was. token of the weakness of his faith; come, says he, and lay thine hand upon her, and she shall live. As if Christ could not have cured her, without either coming to her, or laying his hand upon her.

Note here, That although all that come to Christ are not alike strong in faith, yet our blessed Redeemer refuses none that come unto him with. sincere faith, though in much weakness of faith. Jesus arose, and followed him.

Observe the humble posture in which this man came unto Christ, namely, falling at his foot and worshipping him; which was not only. sign of tender affection towards his daughter, but an evidence of his faith in our blessed Saviour; yet his confining Christ's power to his bodily presence and to the touch of his hand, was. token of the weakness of his faith; come, says he, and lay thine hand upon her, and she shall live. As if Christ could not have cured her, without either coming to her, or laying his hand upon her.

Note here, That although all that come to Christ are not alike strong in faith, yet our blessed Redeemer refuses none that come unto him with. sincere faith, though in much weakness of faith. Jesus arose, and followed him.

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Old Testament