Observe here, 1. The penman of this epistle, St. Paul, joining
Timotheus with him in the salutation, because his companion and
fellow-labourer, and one that had assisted in the instructing of the
Philippians, and was. person much valued and esteemed by them.
Observe, 2. The great modesty of St. Pau... [ Continue Reading ]
GRACE FROM GOD THE FATHER, or grace from God as. Father; intimating,
that God bestows not his grace as. Creator, but as. Father, as. Father
purchaser of our peace; he, upon WHOM WAS LAID THE CHASTISEMENT OF OUR
PEACE, and in whom, and for... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe, 1. The proper character of. gospel minister: he is his
people's constant remembrancer, and the rememberer of his people: I
EVERY PRAYER. This is. very great part of our ministerial duty, to
pray for the people; and not in our... [ Continue Reading ]
Here we have. further cause assigned of St. Paul's joy on the
Philippians' behalf: namely, the firm and full assurance which he had
of their perseverance in grace unto the end. God, that has begun, will
perfect, that is, augment and increase it, till it arrive at
perfection in glory.
Note here, 1.... [ Continue Reading ]
In these words our apostle assigns. ground and. reason of that
confidence which he expressed himself to have of the Philippians'
perseverance in grace and holiness, in the foregoing verse, namely,
because they were partakers of the same grace with himself, and were
ready to suffer for Christ, as he... [ Continue Reading ]
These words are expressive of that passionate degree of Christian love
which St. Paul bore to the Philippians; he durst appeal to God, as to
the sincerity and fervency of it: GOD IS MY RECORD,. call him to
witness, and can appeal to him as the searcher of hearts, HOW GREATLY.
LONG AFTER YOU; that is... [ Continue Reading ]
After salutations given by St. Paul to his beloved Philippians, he
next pours out his soul in fervent prayer and supplication for them;
and the mercy which he prays for is observable, first, namely, growth
and proficiency in grace: THIS. PRAY, THAT YOUR LOVE MAY ABOUND YET
MORE AND MORE IN KNOWLEDGE... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle's design in these words is, to prevent the Philippians'
stumbling, and being scandalized at his present sufferings, assuring
them that the things which happened to him, through the malice of his
persecutors, have fallen out rather to the furtherance of the gospel,
than any ways to the hi... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle had declared in the foregoing verses, that several of his
brethren in the work of the ministry, through his constancy in
suffering, were emboldened to preach Jesus Christ with more resolution
than before. But here he discovers, that there was. vast difference
between those preachers: all... [ Continue Reading ]
Still our apostle pursues and prosecutes his former design, namely, to
prevent the Philippians being offended at his sufferings; and
accordingly, he shows that as the gospel of Christ had gained much
already, it should gain yet more, by his imprisonment and afflictions,
which he was very confident w... [ Continue Reading ]
Our apostle had declared, in the foregoing verse, his firm expectation
that Christ would be magnified and glorified by him, both in life and
death; in this verse he discovers what reason he had to think so; for,
says he, TO ME TO LIVE IS CHRIST, AND TO DIE IS GAIN; that is, If.
live, Christ shall be... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT IF. LIVE IN THE FLESH, that is, if. shall continue to live longer
in this mortal body, THIS IS THE FRUIT OF MY LABOUR; that is,. foresee
what will be the blessed fruit of my labour, namely, the conversion
and gaining of more souls unto God and Christ; at least, as it is
worthy labour, so shall i... [ Continue Reading ]
St. Paul having in the foregoing verses told the Philippians how
needful it was for him to abide in the flesh, with respect to them, he
here gives them. sort of confident assurance (which was given him by
immediate revelation) that his life should at this time be preserved
for the benefit of the chu... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The general charge given by the apostle to his
beloved Philippians, their lives should answer their light, and their
practices correspond with their profession: LET YOUR CONVERSATION BE
SUCH AS IT BECOMETH THE GOSPEL.. gospel profession requires and calls
for. gospel conversation: a... [ Continue Reading ]
These words come in by the way of encouragement to the practice of the
fore-mentioned duty, namely, of courageous suffering for the gospel of
Christ; he tells them, that as ability to believe on Christ, so
likewise power to suffer for Christ, were both the gift of God, and as
such purchased by Chris... [ Continue Reading ]
Here is the last argument made use of by the apostle to encourage them
unto patient suffering for the gospel of Christ, as it would render
them comfortable to Christ their head, so to him their apostle, who
suffered many hard things when he was at Philippi, as they had seen,
and stood ready to suffe... [ Continue Reading ]