As if our apostle had said, "Let no man think that. undervalue the Jewish privileges, because. want them; show me ever. judaizing teacher of them all that can pretend to more, or so many of them, as myself; so that, were this. ground of confidence,. can vie with any one of them in carnal privileges, Jewish prerogatives, and outward performances; yea,. can boast of as much self-righteousness as the best of them, and beyond them all: for. was circumcised, and had the seal of the covenant applied to me, yea,. was circumcised the eighth day, the very day prescribed by the law; the Jews maintaining that circumcision before the eighth day was no circumcision, and after the eighth day was of less value.

Of the stock of Israel; one of that nation which God set apart for himself, when he rejected all the nations of the earth beside.

Of the tribe of Benjamin; of. noble tribe, as well as descended of an honourable people;. tribe which kept close to God, when other tribes revolted to the worship of Jeroboam's calves;. tribe honoured with the first of Israel's kings, king Saul. An Hebrew of the Hebrews; that is, born. Jew both by father's side and mother's side.

As touching the law,. Pharisee; that is, as touching the interpretation and observation of the law,. Pharisee, or one of the strictest sects among the Jews for the profession of religion.

Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; that is, as touching zeal for the Jewish religion,. have showed that above others, in my fury and furious pesecution of the church of Christ;. was active, according as my judgment and conscience directed me.

And as touching the righteousness which was in and by the law, (that is, as to my personal obedience unto the law,). was blameless, without spot, as the original word signifies; that is, in my own account, and in man's esteem, my conversation not stained with any gross sin, but very exact in my deportment and behaviour, living up to my knowledge, my practice corresponding with my profession."

Behold here. man that had. large stock of Jewish privileges and prerogatives; all these grounds of confidence the apostle had before his conversion; and he might have rested there, and have gloried and confided therein, as well as the judiazing doctors did, who gloried in their external privileges; but how far St. Paul was from this spirit and temper, the next verses inform us.

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Old Testament