Although our apostle had declared in the foregoing verses, that he had fully learnt the lesson of contentment in all conditions, and could bear poverty and want without complaining, yet withal he assures them here, that they did well in sending such supplies to him in prison by Epaphroditus, as they had done; and thereby testifying, by their Christian commisseration, that they shared with him in his afflictions and sufferings for Christ.

Where note, 1. The apostle's thankful acknowledgment of the Philippians' present liberality towards him, now in bonds for preaching the gospel to them; and how he takes occasion from thence to make an honourable mention of their former bounty towards him, even from his first preaching of the gospel to them; nay, when he was gone from them at Philippi, and preached to those at Thessalonica, yet did the Philippians send their bounty after him more than once, which no other church had then done besides themselves.

Learn hence, 1. That there is. rule of equity to be observed, as between other relations, so between ministers and people, that as they bestow labour and pains, so they should receive encouragement and maintenance, and this not barely as. gratuity, but as. due debt.

2. That the faithful ministers of Christ, though they may challenge. supply of temporal things from their people, for their spiritual things, as. due debt; yet do they fully receive it, and gratefully acknowledge it, to the honour and commendation of their people, with fervent prayer to God, that it may be. fruit redounding to their account in the great day of account. O ye Philippians, know, that when no church communicated with me, ye sent once and again to my necessities.

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Old Testament