Our apostle closes this letter with respectful salutations; he salutes in his own name all and every saint in Christ Jesus; the soul of the poorest and meanest saint was not neglected by this great apostle: he loved the brotherhood, the whole fraternity of believers, the whole society of saints. All church members are saints by external and visible profession, and ought to be so by internal renovation and spiritual regeneration, and one as well as the other are here saluted by the apostle. Salute every saint in Christ Jesus.

Next he sends the salutations of all the brethern that were with him, and of all the saints that were at Rome, all those whom he had there converted to Christianity, and particularly some of those that were in Nero's family, and called here Cesar's household.

Where note, 1. That such. mighty efficacy had the preaching of the gospel, accompanied with the influences of the Holy Spirit, that it entered the houses of the greatest persecutors, and changed the hearts of some who were most unlikely to receive and entertain it. Behold, here are some in bloody Nero's family converted to Christ by the preaching of the gospel; those of Cesar's household.

Note, 2. That sometimes God endues the professors of the gospel in general, and young converts in particular, with such. spirit of zeal and courage, magnanimity and holy resolution, that they dare lift up. banner for truth, and publicly own the despised members of Christ, without either shame or fear: Those of Cesar's household do greet and salute you.

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Old Testament