That is, "This revelation God the Father gave to Christ his Son, as
Mediator, and therewith. commission to impart it to his faithful
servants, especially the ministers of his church, and particularly to
St. John, who bare record in his gospel, and in his epistles, that
Jesus Christ was the essential... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, that great encouragement which the spirit of God gives
to all Christians to read and regard, to consider and meditate upon
the things contained in this divine book, that is, the necessary parts
of Christianity, which are here mixed with darker passages; all must
read, study, and practi... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The persons to whom St. John writes, and the
particular churches which he does salute, namely, the seven churches
of Asia, which were then the most famous and flourishing churches in
the Christian world, but now overrun with barbarism. Sin has laid the
foundation of ruin in the most... [ Continue Reading ]
In the former verse our Saviour was considered in the excellency of
his person, and with respect to what he is in himself; in this verse
he is considered in the execution of his office, or with respect to
what he is unto his church.
And here observe, 1. His affection in general towards us, HE HATH... [ Continue Reading ]
These words are. majestic description of our Saviour's coming to
judgment; they are ushered in with. note of attention and admiration,
BEHOLD! which denotes also the truth and certainty of his appearance,
and upbraids us likewise for our natural backwardness to believe,
mind, and meditate upon, the... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. That what was applied to God the Father, at the
fourth verse, namely, that he WAS, IS, and IS TO COME, is here by
Christ applied to himself at the eighth verse: I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA,
Alpha is the first, OMEGA the la... [ Continue Reading ]
The preface being ended in the foregoing verses, here begins the body
or visionary part of this book; the first vision is here before us,
concerning the seven Asian churches.
In which vision we have observable, 1. The person that received it, he
is described by his name, John, I JOHN; by his spirit... [ Continue Reading ]
As if St. John had said, "I turned to see the person whose voice.
heard speaking with me, and. beheld seven golden candlesticks,
representing the seven Asian churches, and in the midst of those
candlesticks. saw one in the shape of. man, which reminded me of
Christ the Son of man, clothed in garment... [ Continue Reading ]
Observe here, 1. The effect which this glorious representation of
Christ in this vision had upon St. John; he was astonished and amazed
at it, and fell down at Christ's feet as one almost dead.
Note from hence, That the holiest man on earth is not able to bear the
presence of Christ here, nor able... [ Continue Reading ]
This chapter concludes with. solemn charge given by our Saviour to St.
John, to write and record the vision of the seven stars, and seven
golden candlesticks, which he had newly seen; letting him into the
mystery of both, by telling him, that the SEVEN STARS ARE SEVEN
ANGELS; that is, signify seven... [ Continue Reading ]