Observe here, 1. The command given to the seven angels, the executioners of God's justice, to do their office, namely, in pouring out the vials of his wrath upon the earth. The command is here said to be given by. voice, by. great voice, because it was the command of. great God, and about. great work; and it is said to come out of the temple, in allusion to the holy of holies, the place of God's exhibiting himself, and from whence he gave forth oracles of old.

Observe, 2. How the seven angels (the instruments of God in executing his judgments) receive their commission from God and pour not out one vial on the earth till they are required so to do; and being called vials of the wrath of God, it gives us this intimation, that what is done against antichrist, is not the effect of man's revenge, but the fruit of God's wrath; and whereas vials are vessels of large content, but of narrow mouths, which pour out slowly, but distill effectually, and drench deeply, it imports that the wrath of God is, though slow, yet sure; it comes upon sinners gradually; but if upon its approach they repent not, it will at last, like. mighty torrent, wash them away from off the earth.

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Old Testament