Observe here, 1. In the drying up of the river Euphrates,. manifest allusion to the manner of old Babylon's destruction. The river Euphrates ran through old Babylon, and was. greater defence to it than its celebrated walls, which for thickness and height were the wonder of the world. Cyrus, when he took Babylon, cut many ditches, and let the river Euphrates run out, and so he and his soldiers entered the city, then fordable, and took it.

Now, as the drying up of Euphrates, then, was an immediate forerunner of the destruction of Babylon, in like manner the drying up of Euphrates, signify it what it will, shall be the immediate forerunner of the destruction of antichristian Babylon, whenever it shall be. The Romish Erpharates being dried up, the Romish Babylon will hasten amain towards its final ruin.

Quest. But what is meant by Eupharates here?

Ans. Probably the Turkish empire, according to Mr. Mede and Dr. More, the Turks first taking up their habitation about this great river: so that by Euphrates may be understood the people inhabiting about Euphrates; and by drying up its waters, the diminishing and lessening of their empire.

By the kings of the east, the Jews are said to be understood, who inhabit the eastern countries, to whom God made. promise, Exodus 19:6 that they should be. kingdom of priests: so that here seems to be. prophecy of the Jews' conversion to the Christian religion, which two things do chiefly hinder, namely the idolatry of Rome, and the power of Constantinople; the image-worship of the Papists, and the puissance of the Turks: but both these being taken away by the fall of Babylon, and the ruin of the Turks, the way then will seem prepared for the Jews' receiving of the Christian faith.

Taking the words in this sense, the notes are these,

1. That the days will come wherein Christian princes and states shall pour out the wrath of God upon Popish idolatry and Turkish tyranny.

2. That the pouring out of the wrath of God upon both these grand enemies of God, will prepare and make ready the way for the Jews' conversion to him.

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Old Testament