Here Christ returns to his counsel and charge given to the church at Thyatira, Unto you. say: that is, to you the angel, the governors and pastors, and to all the members of the church;. say unto you all, who have not owned nor entertained these doctrines of the Gnostics, who proudly call their filthy opinions profound mysteries and depths of knowledge, though they are indeed the depths of Satan, his policies and devices: as if Christ had said, "These vile seducers call their opinions depths, and so, such depths as Satan has brought out of hell; they are the whisperings and hissings of the old serpent, not the inspirations of the holy God; to you,. say, that. will not oppose or put upon you any new doctrine, but charge you to hold fast the old, that apostolic doctrine which you have received; persevere therein till. come to relieve you, and to release you from your persecutions, which will soon be at an end: Hold fast till. come. "

Observe farther, How our Saviour concludes this epistle to the church of Thyatira, as he did the former, with. consolatory promise to such as overcome temptations, persecutions, all and all manner of opposition in their Christian conversation, and faithfully persevere in well-doing to the end; to him, says Christ, will. give power over the nations; that is, power with me, and in subordination to me, to judge the world, wicked angels, and wicked men, at the great day; then shall you rule them with. rod of iron, and dash them to shivers like. potter's vessel, even as. have received of my Father. As if Christ had said, "I have received power, as Mediator, from my Father, effectually to subdue and conquer all mine and your enemies, and. will make you partakers of it in some measure; you shall exercise an irresistible power over them by consenting to, by approving and applauding of, that righteous judgment which. shall denounce against them, and execute and inflict upon them."

Learn, That believers shall sit as assessors with Christ in judgment, and approve the equity of his proceedings, against the finally impenitent then, though never so near and dear unto them now.

Observe lastly, The full and final reward which Christ promises to him that finally persevereth, and manfully overcometh, I will give him the morning star; that is, myself and Spirit to comfort him, and the light of glory to shine upon him to all eternity.

Note, Christ is called. star, because he enlightens all with the light of natural knowledge, and his church with divine illumination; and the morningstar, peradventure with respect to his incarnation, because as that rises not at the beginning of the night, or at the middle of it, but towards morning; so Christ came not in the beginning or middle of the dark time under the law, but in the last age of the world, in which he has shined forth the joy and comfort of all nations.

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Old Testament