Still our blessed Saviour proceeds with promises and encouragements to this church, Because thou hast kept the word of my patience.

Here note, That the doctrine of the gospel is called the word of Christ's patience, partly because it teaches patience in persecuting times, and partly because it is. doctrine which cannot firmly be adhered to without patience, Thou hast kept the word of my patience.

To keep this word of Christ's patience, implies not only the keeping his doctrine pure and uncorrupted from error, but also the observing and practising all the duties of. good life.

And note, The reward promised to this church for the performing of this duty, Because thou hast kept--I will keep thee; Christ will not be behind-hand in rewarding our obedience, no, not in this life:. will (here) keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world.

Here note, 1. That. time of affliction, much more of persecution, is. time of temptation, because an afflicted and persecuted state hath many circumstances attending it, by which all are tried and some ensnared.

Note, 2. That. time of trial and temptation will come, most certainly come, sooner or later, upon all persons that dwell upon the earth, upon sinners as well as saints, upon hypocrites as well as sincere Christians; which trials will infallibly discover the faith and constancy of the one, the corruption and apostasy of the other: Because thou hast kept the word of my patience,. will also keep thee from the hour of temptation.

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Old Testament