Observe here, notwithstanding this church's constancy, yet Christ exhorts her to steadfastness, Hold fast; the steadiest and most steadfast Christians have need to be often cautioned and counselled against backsliding.

Observe also, The encouragements which Christ gives his church to hold fast his innocency, fidelity, and patience: the first is drawn from the shortness of her sufferings, by reason of Christ's sudden coming, Behold,. come quickly, that is, to deliver my faithful people, and to destroy their enemies; the second is drawn from the hazard which they run of losing the crown, for want of an unfainting perseverance, Hold fast, that no man take thy crown.

Where note, That only the persevering Christian shall be crowned, and that each persevering Christian shall have his own crown: there are probably differences of reward in heaven, as well as degrees of misery in hell; for quality the glory will be the same, they shall shine as the sun; for degree it will likely be differing, as much as one star differs from another in glory: Let no man take thy crown.

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Old Testament