Observe here, The two great and principal things which the gospel requires, in order to our justification and salvation.

The first is, Confession of Christ with our mouth; that is, in all times of danger, particularly in. time of persecution, to own Christ Jesus our Lord, and to declare that we will serve him, and adhere to him, be ruled of him, and expect only to be saved by him.

The second is, To believe in our hearts, that God hath raised Christ from the dead.

But why is the article of Christ's resurrection only named, seeing faith respects his birth, life, and death, &c.

Answer Because this article of the resurrection presupposeth all the rest of the antecedents to it, and consequences of it; as namely, his incarnation, death, and passion, ascension and intercession.

This article therefore of the resurrection is put for all the rest, and includes all the rest: for as he could not have risen, had he not first died, so his death had availed us nothing, unless he had risen again.

Learn hence, 1. That all those who would be accepted with God unto righteousness and life, must be such as do believe in Christ with the heart, and openly confess with the mouth, that he is the Son of God, and the Saviour of the world. If thou confess and believe, thou shalt be saved.

Learn, 2. That the principal seat and subject of faith is not in the understanding barely, but in the will, called here the heart: With the heart man believeth unto righteousness: not the head.

Although knowledge is so necessary to faith, that it is sometimes put for faith, By his knowledge, or by the knowledge of him, shall my righteous servant justify many, Isaiah 53:11; yet there may be much light in the understanding, where there is no life in the will, much knowledge in the head, where there is no faith in the heart, nor obedience in the life. Therefore says the apostle here, With the heart man believeth, &c.

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Old Testament