Observe here, 1. How the apostle closes his exhortation to brotherly concord and unity with. pithy and pathetic prayer; his example herein is instructive.

Observe, 2. The title or appellation which he gives unto God in prayer, The God of hope; sometimes he styles him the God of peace, sometimes the God of patience; here the God of hope; he being so objectively, the only object of our common hope, and also effectively, as he is the author and producer of hope in us.

Observe, 3. The mercies he prays for: 1. That they may be filled with all joy and peace in believing; that their hearts may overflow with peace from God and one towards another; and with all that joy which results from both.

2. That they may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost, where by hope understand the good hoped for, namely, heaven and eternal life,. firm expectation of which is wrought in us by the Holy Spirit.

Learn, 1. That God is the object of. Christian's hope, and if so, the sin of despair is. most unreasonable sin; for why should any despair of his mercy who is the God of hope, who commands us to hope in his mercy, and takes pleasure in them that do so? Psalms 147:11

Learn, 2. That the grace of hope, together with joy and peace in believing, are wrought in the Christian's heart through the power of the Holy Ghost, that is, through the sanctifying influences of the Holy Ghost enlightening the understanding, inclining the will, rectifying the affections, and reducing all the rebellious powers and faculties of the soul (in concurrence with our endeavours) under the government and dominion of reason and religion.

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Old Testament